I got there early enough to get all my gear set up, relax and enjoy some breakfast. I had stopped by Chic-Fil-A on the way and got 4 chicken biscuits. Had a Fun Lemans Style Start and as always Dav catches me off guard with a Quick start Dauset Trails 12 Hour Mountain Bike Race.
I did the first two laps non stop making sure to finish a whole bottle of hammer perpetuem. I needed to eat some lunch by then. I scarfed down anouther chicken biscuit with extra jelly rested a few more minutes then headed back out. Did anouther lap then did two more nonstop. The Sorella Water staion was a welcome site every lap. Dauset Trails 12 Hour Mountain Bike Race
By lap 6 I was ready for a Snickers and Cherry Pepsi. I ate the whole Snickers and drank a whole pepsi. I rested and knew I had plenty of time to do a lap before the 9:30 cut off. I ended up doing two night laps that were interesting. It gets dark in them woods, especially when you are all alone.
I had a great time and felt strong the whole way. Great day of riding my Haro mountain bike
I finished feeling good with 8 laps. Dauset Trails 12 Hour Mountain Bike Race
.Dauset Trails 12 Hour Mountain Bike Race
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